Monday, February 24, 2014

Second Time at Samiksha

This second visit to Samiksha at Kidwai Kids, reinforced my feelings of last time.

Some of the children recognized me and welcomed me as Ranganna aunty- Story sister.

I loved the intensity with which they approached the art project- the ear bud painting had not seen so much creativity - beautifully done trees, houses and lotuses and even a peacock!

With a bit of tree-via thrown in, we sang the Tree song from Karadi. I followed it up with an animated narration of When Ali became Bajrangbali story from Tulika.

This was the first time my mother was coming along for my story session. The experience was uplifting for both of us.

Amazing kids and great initiative by Samiksha to bring education to the children since they cannot possibly go to a regular school for a while. This way they will be bright and ready when it is time for them to go back to the mainstream

However what is heart wrenching is that not all will get to go back. I was a bit saddened by the deterioration in health that I saw in one of the older girls. Certainly hope she gets better soon.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Story fun at Samiksha, Kidwai Hospital

The children enjoyed the cottonbud painting activity, the song and the story as well.
 Some recognized me as the Ranganna story aunty!

For more pics go here

Great work by Samiksha for these truly deserving kids.

My friends were generous with gifts for the kids but I hope they will also help me tide over my non existent Kannada skills next time.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Neralu- Tree Fest Banaglore

Was thrilled to be a part of this initiative's story sessions- Katha Vriksh

Drew stories from: Vriksh of DC Mango fame, Ali to Bajrangbali from Tulika and Karadi's tree song

For more pics go here.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

AV- Feb session

Had my first AV session of the year and what fun it was

Used the India AtoZ book from Puffin and was delighted by the participation and answers

We also had stories of Vamana and Ali to Bajrangbali and discussed Rakesh Sharma!